Well-Travelled Tastes
Les goûts des voyageurs
Finding the finest fare for you to bring home.
Trouver les meilleurs produits à rapporter à la maison.
A Feast of Flavours
Un festin de saveurs
At Jan K. Overweel, we see plates as passports. Fresh slates that can transport you anywhere when the finest ingredients are put upon them. From east to west and sweet to savory, we’re tasting our way through the world and sending the finest fares home with care.
Chez Jan K. Overweel, nous considérons les assiettes comme des passeports. Des ardoises fraîches qui peuvent vous transporter n’importe où lorsque les meilleurs ingrédients y sont déposés. D’est en ouest, du sucré au salé, nous goûtons notre chemin à travers le monde et envoyons les meilleurs plats à la maison avec soin.
PARM-INENT FIXTURE Italian Food Industry Weathering the Pandemic | INSTALLATION PARM-INENT l’industrie alimentaire italienne résiste à la pandémie
Check out this article, written by the insightful Rita DeMontis, National Lifestyle Editor of the Toronto Sun. Featuring President Patrick Pelliccione assuring us the Italian export business is still going strong. The article can be found here. Jetez un coup d'œil à...
Let There Be Cheese! Keeping the lines of trade and commerce open between Canada and the EU | Qu’il y ait du fromage ! Maintenir les échanges et le commerce ouverts entre le Canada et l’UE
In February 2020, our president Patrick Pelliccione along with key members of the International Cheese Council of Canada (ICCC) traveled to The World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland with the goal to improve the workings of Canadian cheese importers with...
Winner! Best Fresh Department Supplier 2019 | Gagnant ! Meilleur fournisseur du département frais 2019
We are very proud to announce Jan K. Overweel as the selected recipient of United Grocers Inc.’s (UGI) Best Fresh Department Supplier 2019 Award. It is with the hard work and effort that the JKO Sales team across the country has put forward that this award is...