Multi Year Accessibility Action Plan

(Accessibilities for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA), 2005-Ontario Regulations 191/11. Integrated Accessibility Standards)





Requirement Outlined in the Act

Jan K Overweel (JKO) Actions


Compliance Date


PART 1-General Requirements




Establishment of Accessibility Policies

Every obligated organization shall develop, implement and maintain policies governing how the organization achieves or will achieve accessibility through meeting its requirements under the accessibility standards referred to in this regulation.

JKO has developed and implemented policies governing how it achieves accessibility and meets its legal requirements.



Revised November 2019





Accessibility Plan

(a)     Establish, implement, maintain and document a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the organizations strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirements under this regulation

(b)     Post the accessibility plan on their website, if any, and provide the plan in an accessible format upon request

(c)     Review and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years.

a)       JKO established and implemented a multi-year accessibility plan in order to identify and remove barriers and meet its legal requirements.

b)       JKO posted the accessibility plans on its internal employee portal and company website.

c)       JKO will review and update the Accessibility Plan next every 5 years.


June 14, 2021



January 2023



Every obligated organization shall ensure that training is provided on the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in the Regulation and on the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities to,

a)       All employees

b)       All person who participate in developing the organization’s policies, and

c)       All other person who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the organization

JKO has provided training on accessibility standards to their employees and training records are maintained by Human Resources.


January 17, 2020

Part II-Information & Communications Standards




Requirement Outlined in the Act

Jan K Overweel (JKO) Actions


Compliance Date



Emergency Procedures, Plans for Public Safety Information

If an obligated organization prepares emergency procedures, plans or public safety information and makes the information available to the public, the  obligated organization shall provide the information in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports, as soon as practicable, upon request.

JKO provides emergency procedures, plans or public safety information when requested.


November 2019


Accessible Websites & Web Content

A large organization shall make their internet websites and web content conform with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, initially at a Level A and increasing to Level AA and shall do so in accordance with the schedule set out in this section.

JKO has taken measures to make its website and web content complaint with the Worldwide Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Websites for Emma, Milano and Casa Italia is compliant. JKO is in progress.


June 2021



Every obligated organization that has processes for receiving and responding to feedback shall ensure that the processes are accessible to person with disabilities by providing or arranging for accessible formats and communications supports, upon request.

JKO has a process for receiving and responding to feedback. JKO will provide the process in an accessible format when requested.



November 2018


Accessible Formats & Communication Supports

Organization shall upon request provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities

JKO will provide for persons with disabilities accessible formats and communication supports in a timely manner at no additional costs.


November 2018

Part III-Employment Standards




Requirement Outlined in the Act

Jan K Overweel (JKO) Actions


Compliance Date



Workplace Emergency Response Information

Employer shall provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability, if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary, and the employer is aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee’s disability.

JKO supports this required on a needed basis.


Implemented Integrated Accessibility Standard Policy, which was communicated to all employees.





February 17, 2022



Employer shall notify its employees and the public about availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment processes.

JKO notifies employees and the public about the availability of accommodation with disabilities by including a statement in all internal and external job postings.


JKO will advise both internal and external applicants of suitable accommodations during the  interview process. 



November 2019