Piaceri D’Italia Salame Piacentina Exact Weight

Piaceri D’Italia Salame Piacentina Exact Weight

SKU: PIA04025 Categories: , , , Tags: , ,

Salame Piacentino D.O.P. is a cured sausage made from the finely ground pork meat from pigs raised in the Lombardy and Emilia Romagna region of Italy, dotted with black peppercorns and small pockets of fat. The flavour is mild with a hint of salty/sweetness. This product is broken down into 280g pieces and vacuume sealed packaged with gold foil for convenience and to stand out on store shelves.

Additional information

Product Category


Brand Name

Piaceri D'Italia

Brand Type


Country of Origin



100 64445 04025 1

UPC Code

0 64445 04025 0


dextrose, Pork, Potassium Nitrate, Sodium ascorbate, Sodium nitrite, Spices, salt

Pack Size

12 x 280 g