Koenraad Medium Gouda Cheese

Koenraad Medium Gouda Cheese

While maintaining its pleasant smoothness and creamy texture, medium Gouda is a step up in flavour intensity. Thanks to the aging process, medium Gouda is able to develop a deeper, more pronounced flavour profile. Slightly firmer than its mild counterpart, and with scattered holes throughout, medium Gouda adds depth to any sandwich, salad, or melted dish.

Product of Holland.

Tout en conservant sa douceur agréable et sa texture crémeuse, le Gouda moyen gagne en intensité gustative. Grâce au processus de vieillissement, le Gouda moyen est capable de développer un profil de saveur plus profond et plus prononcé. Légèrement plus ferme que son homologue doux et parsemé de trous, le Gouda moyen ajoute de la profondeur à n’importe quel sandwich, salade ou plat fondu.

Produit de Hollande.

Additional information

Product Category


Brand Type




Country of Origin

The Netherlands


900 64445 01004 1


Pasturized milk, Salt, Bacterial culture, Rennet, Beta-carotene.

Pack Size

1 x 4.5 kg